Elk Ridge Chiropractic & Wellness Center is coming to the Bend Health Fair on April 2, 2023 to provide free chair massages and consultations to fair attendees!

Sit and relax while our team of certified and highly trained physical therapists offer soothing neck and shoulder massages. Then chat with our doctors about how you can improve your overall health, find treatment options for new and existing injuries, or simply learn more about chiropractic care, physical therapy, or our tempting massage options!

Our capable team will be available to answer any questions you may have. And don’t worry! Becoming a new patient with Elk Ridge is not a requirement for receiving your free chair massage.

Stop by, say “Hi!” and get pampered by your friends at Elk Ridge. We’ll be available between 9:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Riverhouse Convention Center.

Learn more about Elk Ridge at Www.Thebendchiropractor.Com or call to ask a question or book an appointment by calling (541) 388-3588.

For more information on the Bend Health Fair, visit their website at Www.Bendhealthfair.Com.

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